Over a years I collect different meteorites here is some photos of various meteorite specimens showing fusion crust and their details, texture, or shock features on specimens.
Gao Guenie H5 Thin Section
Gao Guenie H5 Thin Section
Lowicz MES 241g end piece
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Lowicz MES 241g end piece details of fusion crust
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
Mreira L6 70g
NWA 10172 LUN 1.1g slice
NWA 10172 LUN 1.1g slice
NWA 10334 URE 12g full slice
NWA 0669 URE 15g full slice
NWA 0669 URE 28g full slice
NWA 7733 LL5 Thin Section
NWA 7733 LL5 Thin Section
NWA 8524 LL4-6 breccia
NWA 8524 LL4-6 breccia, close up of clast relted with L Parent Body
NWA 8524 LL4-6 breccia
Tamdakht H5 Thin Section
Tamdakht H5 Thin Section
Tamdakht H5 Thin Section
Zagami SHE 20.4g part slice with crust on the edge
Zagami SHE 20.4g part slice with crust on the edge
NWA 10864 LOD 5g slice
NWA 10577 EUC 39g full slice
NWA 6963 SHE 1.4g part slice
NWA 6963 SHE 3g full slice
Aba Panu L3.6 245g half piece
Aba Panu L3.6 245g half piece
Aba Panu L3.6 207g half piece
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 27g
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 27g
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 27g
NWA 11421 Lunar 115g half specimen
NWA 11421 Lunar 115g half specimen
Sericho PAL 2564g full slice
Seymchan PAL 109g
Aba Panu L3.6 241g half specimen (close up)
Aba Panu L3.6 241g half specimen
NWA 13053 C3-ung main mass Graham Ensor (photo : Ross Findlay Open University, UK) https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=77145
Moldavite 9g
Moldavite 13g
Moldavite 16g
Moldavite 17g
Moldavite 47g
Aletai IIIE 1.1kg
Moldavite 23 g
Moldavite 26 g
Moldavite 31 g
Moldavite 47g
Aba-Panu L3.6
Aba-Panu L3.6
Alfianello L6 9g slice
Allende CV3 150g fragment
Allende CV3, 25g
Allende CV3, 32g
Allende CV3 150g fragment, close up on large chondrule
Allende CV3 150g fragment
Allende CV3 150g fragment
Allende CV3 150g fragment, close up on large chondrule
Almahata Sitta URE 0.18g part slice
Bassikounou H5 1 kg, fresh regmaglipted specimen with large iron flake on the fusion crust surface
Bassikounou H5 260g, complete specimen with primary fusion crust
Bassikounou H5, 9g slice
Buzzard Coulee H4 340g lot
Buzzard Coulee H4 56g individual specimen
Buzzard Coulee H4 56g individual specimen with preserved rollover lips at back side
Camel Donga eucrite 7g, glossy fusion crust specimen
Campo del Cielo IAB 33.7kg complete specimen
Campo Del Cielo IAB with silicate inclusions 364g complete piece with polished window
Canyon Diablo iron IAB 1.4kg, complete speicmen
Canyon Diablo IAB 220g complete specimen
Canyon Diablo IAB 241g complete specimen
Canyon Diablo IAB 318g complete specimen
Canyon Diablo IAB 350g complete specimen
Canyon Diablo IAB 41g full slice shocked patterns with diamond inclusion (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
Canyon Diablo IAB 41g full slice shocked patterns with diamond inclusion (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
Canyon Diablo IAB 41g full slice shocked patterns with diamond inclusion (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
Canyon Diablo IAB 45g graphite nodule
Canyon Diablo IAB 620g complete specimen
Chelyabinsk LL5 196g individual a large chondrule on fusion crust surface
Chelyabinsk LL5 163g fragment showing primary fusion crust
Chelyabinsk LL5 163g fragment showing primary fusion crust
Chelyabinsk LL5 163g fragment showing slickenside surface
Chelyabinsk LL5 489g impact melt specimen
Chelyabinsk LL5 489g impact melt specimen
Chelyabinsk LL5 196g individual
Chelyabinsk LL5 351g, specimen with normal lithology and impact melt part
Chelyabinsk LL5 78g, fresh crusted specimen with small broken surface showing slightly weathered interior
Chelyabinsk LL5 493g fragment showing primary fusion crust
Chelyabinsk LL5 493g fragment showing secondary fusion crust
Chelyabinsk LL5 493g fragment close up
Chelyabinsk LL5 493g fragment showing slickenside
Chelyabinsk LL5 48g complete specimen
Chelyabinsk LL5 48g complete specimen
Chelyabinsk LL5 598g individual broken side showing thick black shock veins
Chelyabinsk LL5 598g individual close up showing rollover lips
Chelyabinsk LL5 598g individual showing details of fusion crust
Chelyabinsk LL5 598g individual with primary fusion crust
Chergach H5 4.5g full slice
Chinga Ataxite 1kg cleaned specimen
DAG 400 LUN 1.3g
DaG 868 URE 2.1 part slice
Dhofar 007 eucrite 57g, partly preserved fusion crust
Dhofar xxx ureilite 83g, little sand blasted fusion crust surface, some caliche are vissible
Dhofar 007 EUC 12g complete specimen
Dhofar 007 EUC 22g complete specimen
Dhofar 007 EUC 34g complete specimen
Dhofar 007 eucrite 48g
Dhofar 1303 URE 1g slice
Dhofar 1621 CO3 S1 W2 60g main mass
Dhofar xxx 186g heavly weathered surface with cracks filled by rocks form ground surface
Edmonson H4 11.4g part slice with Ward label
Estherville mesosiderite 346g, full slice
NWA 7854 EUC 6.7g part slice close up
NWA 7854 EUC 6.7g part slice
Gao Guenie H5 4g, Impact Melt Breccia
Gao Guenie H5 231g
Gebel Kamil Ungr. Iron 632g complete specimen
Ghubara L5 2.9kg, half specimen close up showing texture
Ghubara L5 2.9kg, half specimen close up showing texture
Gold Basin L4 20g complete specimen, gift form Twink Monrad (thank You Twink!)
Henbury iron IIIAB 818g, complete oriented specimen
NWA 10107 L- Impact Melt 2781g, main mass
NWA 10107 L- Impact Melt 2781g, main mass
Imilac PAL 22.8g
JaH 054 URE 10.4g full slice
JaH 054 URE 7g end piece
JaH 799 LL6 177g main mass
Juancheng H5 60g end piece
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 57g, fragmnet with fusion crust
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 57g, fragmnet with fusion crust
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 124g, complete specimen, close up showing texture
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 124g, complete specimen, close up showing texture
Jbilet Winselwan CM2 124g, complete specimen
Katol L6 119g, complete specimen with fresh fusion crust and impact marks
Katol L6 119g, complete specimen with fresh fusion crust and impact marks
Katol L6 119g, complete specimen with fresh fusion crust and impact marks
Katol L6 119g, complete specimen with fresh fusion crust and impact marks
Katol L6 119g, complete specimen with fresh fusion crust and impact marks
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Katol L6 141g fresh individual
Libyan Desert Glass tektite 27g
Maslyanino IAB 97g
Maslyanino IAB 97g, close up
NWA 8505 mesosiderite
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 613g, details of HED like crust
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 613g, details of HED like crust
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 613g, details of HED like crust
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 613g, details of HED like crust
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 613g, details of HED like crust
Millbillillie eucrite 350g original fresh gloosy fusion crust
Millbillillie eucrite 350g, complete specimen
Millbillillie eucrite 350g original fresh gloosy fusion crust and rollover lips
Morasko IAB 1.8kg etched half piece with Widmanstatten pattern and troilite inclusion
Morasko IAB 1.8kg etched half piece with Widmanstatten pattern and troilite inclusion -close up
Morasko IAB 1.8kg etched half piece with Widmanstatten pattern Neumann lines and troilite inclusion
Morasko IAB 250g etched slice with shocked Widmanstatten pattern
Mreira L6 63g, broken surface with shock veins
Mreira L6 63g, fresh fusion crust with contraction cracks
Mreira L6 62g complete specimen
Mreira L6 62g complete specimen
Mreira L6 70g complete specimen
Mreira L6 70g complete specimen
Mreira L6 70g complete specimen
Mreira L6 70g complete specimen close up showing iron flake on fusion crust surface
Mundrabilla IAB ungr. 167g end piece
Muonionalusta IVA 260g full slice
Murchison CM2.6 10g fragment
Murchison CM2 1g full slice
NWA 7464 DIO 343g, preatty fresh fusion crust surface
NWA 2690 eucrite 21g
NWA 2690 eucrite 337g, cut surface of eucrite
NWA 2724 eucrite 55g
NWA 2826 LL5 40g
NWA 3146 R4 3g
NWA 4560 L3.2
NWA 4560 LL3.2 20g
NWA 5218 eucrite 6g, dual lithology
NWA 5549 IAB 50g
NWA 5928 ureilite 40g
NWA 5928 ureilite 40g, differend angle show small vein like area filled by graphite and dimonds
NWA 5929 LL4-5 56g
NWA 6075 lodranite 7g
NWA 6207 CV3 107g
NWA 7247 CK5 7g
NWA 7733 L5-6 135g, fusion crust surface with contraction cracks
NWA 7733 L5-6 264g, fresh fusion crusted chodnrite
NWA 7733 LL5-6 129g, flow lines on fusion crust surface
NWA 7734 LL4-6, 491g, slightly sand blasted fusion crust surface
NWA 7736 LL6 167g
NWA 7840 LL3.6 89g
NWA 7854 eucrite 24g
NWA 8215 L3.3 1.1kg
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 616g, fresh fusion crusted side
NWA 8505 mesosiderite 616g, fresh fusion crusted side
NWA 8524 LL4-6 1.6kg LL breccia close up
NWA 8524 LL4-6 1.6kg LL breccia close up
NWA 8524 LL4-6 705g, LL breccia
NWA 8524 LL4-6 1.6kg LL breccia with two kinds of clasts note large dark clast at left side cut surface
NWA 8524 LL4-6 1.6kg LL breccia with two kinds of clasts note large dark clast at left side cut surface
NWA 8524 LL4-6 1.6kg, LL breccia with two kinds of clasts note large dark clast at left side
NWA 859 - Taza iron ungr. 126g, specimen with original fusion crust
NWA 7464 DIO 343g, preatty fresh fusion crust surface
NWA 7464 DIO 343g, preatty fresh fusion crust surface
NWA 7464 DIO 343g, preatty fresh fusion crust surface
NWA xxx ordinary chondrite 232g, non crusted surface showing various shock veins
NWA xxx ordinary chondrite 397g, slightly sand blasted fusion crust surface
NWA xxx ureilite 120g, sand blasted fusion crust surface
NWA 10100 CO3 full slice
NWA 2826 LL5 S2 W1 30g part slice with large troilite
NWA 3140 URE 5.3g part slice
NWA 4790 URE 13g full slice
NWA 4965 DIO 10.2g part slice
NWA 4969 BRA 3.5g full slice
NWA 5205 L3.2 17g part slice
NWA 5495 LL6 S4 W2 18g end piece
NWA 5496 CO3 3.6g full slice
NWA 5928 URE 4.4g part slice
NWA 6069 URE 8.1g part slice
NWA 6075 LOD 4.9g full slice
NWA 6077 BRA 10g full slice
NWA 6410 L6 S2 W1 140g end piece
NWA 6842 L3 S1 W2 47g main mass
NWA 6845 S1 W2 154g main mass
NWA 7246 CK5 9g full slice
NWA 7317 CR6 80g complete specimen other side
NWA 7317 CR6 80g complete specimen other side
NWA 7464 Dio 110g broken face showing fresh texture mainly composed by orthopyroxene accompanied by accessory olivine
NWA 7464 Dio 123g broken face showing fresh texture mainly composed by orthopyroxene accompanied by accessory olivine
NWA 7464 Dio 123g fusion crust site showing thinny flow lines
NWA 7464 Dio 110g fusion crust site
NWA 7686 URE 32g full slice
NWA 7695 CO3 S1 W1 37g main mass
NWA 7733 L5-6 S4 W1 37g large troilite at right side
NWA 7733 L5-6 S4 W1 37g large troilite at right side - close up
NWA 7733 L5-6 S4 W1 79g specimen with glossy fusion crust
NWA 7733 LL5/6 1334g complete specimen
NWA 7733 LL5/6 455g fragment with crust
NWA 7735 L4 S2 W1-2 180g main mass
NWA 7737 L6 S4 W1 sand blasted fusion crust surface
NWA 7743 LL4-6 S4 W1 38g half piece
NWA 7839 LL5 cut surface showing texture
NWA 7842 H6 325g main mass
NWA 7846 CV3 S1 W2-3 36g main mass
NWA 7854 eucrite 891g, half piece close up showing texture
NWA 7854 eucrite 891g, half piece close up showing texture
NWA 7854 eucrite 891g, half piece close up showing texture
NWA 7892 CO3.00 9.21g full slice(Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 7915 LL5 S2 W3 430g half piece cut surface showing texture
NWA 7915 LL5 S2 W3 430g half piece fresh crust
NWA 8096 CK6 S1 W2-3 69g main mass
NWA 8099 L3 S2 W1 331g widnowed complete piece
NWA 8183 L3.2 3.3g full slice (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 8276 L3.00 3.3g full slice (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 8276 L3.00 3.3g full slice (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 8276 L3.00 4.3g full slice (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 8276 L3.00 4.3g full slice (Mendy Ouzillou Meteorite Collection)
NWA 8276 L3.00 Thin Section
NWA 8276 L3.00 Thin Section
NWA 8276 L3.00 Thin Section
NWA 8276 L3.00 Thin Section
NWA 8481 L3.7 2.5kg close up showing chondrules
NWA 8481 L3.7 2.5kg close up showing chondrules
NWA 8508 H6 3 complete specimen
NWA 8526 H5, S2, W3 sand blasted surface without fusion crust
NWA 859 - Taza 63g
NWA 859 - Taza 63g close up showing silicate mineral
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 1.1g oriented specimen
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 25g
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 27g
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 28g with original crust
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 46g
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 59g
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 9g
NWA 859 - Taza Iron ungr. 9g (2)
NWA 859 - Taza iron ungr. 35g oriented specimen with bullet shape
NWA 859 - Taza iron ungr. 35g oriented specimen with bullet shape (2)
NWA 859 - Taza plessitic octahedrite 148g close up
NWA 859 - Taza plessitic octahedrite 148g full slice showing two troilite nodules
NWA 859 - Taza Ungr. Iron 2550 complete specimen
NWA 8685 ACA 25.1g a gift form Jarkko Kettunen - www.littleplanets.fi
NWA 869 L3-6 430g
NWA 8741 Mesosiderite 338g full slice
NWA unclass. 1.2kg piece showing contraction cracks on fusion crust surface
NWA unclassified chodndrite 1892g H type with some fussion crust
NWA 10114 L5 2465g with secondary fusion crust
NWA 10114 L5 917g with primary fusion crust
NWA unclassified most probably H4 695g broken surface with vissible galore of chondrules
NWA unclassified 590g most probably H4 type
NWA xxx OC 67g impact melt breccia
NWA xxx ordinary chondrite 613g rollover lips
NWA 10114 L5 1265g with primary fusion crust
Odessa IAB 1970g end piece
Odessa IAB 1970g end piece close up of Widmanstatten patterns
RAS 431 L6 1273g complete specimen
RAS xxx 117g
Sahara 00306 uncl. 443g complete specimen
Sahara 97127 EH3 140g half piece
Sahara 97127 EH3 140g half piece
Sahara 97127 EH3 140g half piece
Sahara 97127 EH3 140g half piece
Sahara 98505 URE 4.1g end piece
Saratov L4 38g
SAU 001 L4-5 1.8kg, rollover lips
SAU 001 L4-5 187g complete specimen
SAU 001 L4-5 250g complete specimen
SAU 001 L4-5 350g complete specimen
SAU 001 L4/5 400g complete cleaned specimen
SAU 001 L4/5 thin section
SAU 001 L4/5 19g complete specimen (my first meteorite find)
SAU 528 H Impact Melt Breccia W1 172g main mass
Seymchan pallasite 23g
Seymchan pallasite 534g
Seymchan pallasite 105g
Seymchan pallasite 142g
Seymchan pallasite 169g
Seymchan PAL 946g, full slice- close up showing details of Widmanstatten patterns
Seymchan Pallasite 23kg complete specimen
Shisr 176 L6 127g, fresh chondrite contraction cracks on fusion crust surface
Shisr 176 L6 240g, fresh chondrite with impact marks on fusion crust surface
Shisr 174 LL6 155g main mass
Shisr 174 LL6 155g main mass showing cut surface
Shisr 174 S2 W3 152g main mass
Shisr 176 L6 24g fragmenst with primary ans secondary fusion crust surfaces
Shisr 176 L6 24g fragment
Shisr 176 L6 24g fragment
Shisr 176 L6 45g complete specimen
Shisr 176 L6 45g complete specimen close up on iron flakes on fusion crust surface
Sikhote Alin iron IIB 3kg, complete specimen
Sikhote Alin iron IIB 3kg, complete specimen
Sikhote Alin IIB 161g, regmaglypts on hevly cleaned specimen
Sikhote Alin IIB 3kg, preserved fusion crust
Sikhote Alin IIB 3kg, preserved fusion crust (close up)
Sikhote Alin IIB 3kg individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 3kg individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 589g natural condition individual came form SAS
Sikhote Alin IIB 589g natural condition individual came form SAS, close up showing natural color and texture of crust
Sikhote Alin IIB 589g natural condition individual came form SAS
Sikhote Alin IIB 109g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 109g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 22g oriented individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 27g
Sikhote Alin IIB 356g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 356g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 356g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 356g individual
Sikhote Alin IIB 5g individual with natural hole
Swiecie (Schwetz) IIIAB Iron Meteorite, 137g full slice. Provenance Museum für Naturkunde Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Tagish Lake C2 ungr. 3g dust
Tamdakht H5 1.8kg, fragment with slickenside surface
Tamdakht H5 211g, typical contrast of dark fusion crust and white to grey interior
Tamdakht H5 448g, fresh chondrite interior without oxidation
Tamdakht H5 179g fragment with slickenside surface
Tamdakht H5 21g end piece
Tamdakht H5 222g half crusted specimen
Tamdakht H5 8.4g part slice
Tamdakht H5 87g complete specimen
Tatahouine DIO 200g fragments
NWA 859 Taza plessitic octahedrite 368g close up showing troilite inclusion
NWA 859 Taza plessitic octahedrite 847g, complete specimen with preserved fusion crust close up
NWA 859 Taza plessitic octahedrite 847g, complete specimen with preserved fusion crust
Thika L6 1.8g fragment with crust
Thuathe H4 39g typical individual with secondary fusion crust
Tissint SHE 4.7g fragment with crust
NWA xxx (class. pending) URE 1081g
NWA xxx (class. pending) URE 1081g
NWA xxx (class. pending) URE 1081g close up of texture
NWA xxx (class. pending) URE 1081g close up of texture
NWA xxx (class. pending) URE 1081g close up of specimen surface
Uruacu IAB 1110g complete specimen
Vaca Muerta MES 43g half piece
Vaca Muerta MES 91g
Vaca Muerta MES 91g close up showing weathering minerals
Whitecourt IIIAB complete specimen, shrapnel with natural patina
Zagami SHE 3.18g part slice
Zaklodzie enstatite ungrouped achondrite, close up showing white zone