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Collecting Meteorites
Meteorites for sale
Mundrabilla IAB ung. 167g with etched window, great shape
Morasko IAB iron meteorite 1.4kg great shape
Odessa IAB 3176g iron meteorite with museum label IOM
Morasko IAB fantastic small individual specimens, ask for sizes
Gebel Kamil Iron ungr. 301g beauty shrapnel
Aletai IIIE an 1176g iron meteorite from Xinjiang, China Amazing Widmanstatten patte...
Campo del Cielo IAB 14.2kg nice individual
Campo del Cielo IAB with silicate inclusions 3kg with natural hole
Gebel Kamil 3543g big specimen, ungr. iron from Egypt
Whitecourt 99.1g IIIAB iron meteorite form Canada, with permit